Worth a glance #6. Holiday picks.

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  • 08/02/2015

    For the next time you use JSTOR and think about the openness of science, John Naughton’s review of the ‘Internet’s own boy’ (on BBCiPlayerfor the next few weeks, and soon in iTunes). For an earlier piece by the scholar Tim Wu see here.

    MOOCs and the distance-learning mirage, by the ever insightful thinker Nicholas Carr.

    The legend and legacy of Bob Marley. Students: remember not all melanomas are UVR related.

    From Davos Man to Davos Bot. Automate the CEO or Vice Chancellor. In many walks of life the higher you climb, the less need there is for deep thinking, and hence the easier it should be to replace humans with robots.

    And since the picture tells what I have been doing. A song from somebody whose album I first bought ‘blind’ on walking into a record shop on a skiing trip to Banff many years ago, and being unable to leave without parting with my money. Yes, there are thousands of singer songwriters, but this one has something special. There was a really cheap EP with an even better version of this tune on iTunes.