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  • 21/01/2021

    STEM stupidity

    Stupid | No Mercy / No Malice

    Mark Zuckerberg is what happens when you replace civics with computer science.

    Eureka… if not the bath

    New Year Monday Note. | Jean-Louis Gassée | Jan, 2021

    In the shower, all ideas look good.


    Universities challenged: critical theory and culture wars | Financial Times

    A comment about the above article:

    As a full professor in a similar situation, a humanities department in a British teaching factory (sorry major research university) I completely agree with Musidorus.


    The Economist | Awesome, weird and everything else

    Ironically, some old gender stereotypes may now be helping girls. When girls are toddlers they are read to more than boys. Their fathers are five times more likely to sing or whistle to them and are more likely to speak to them about emotions, including sadness. Their mothers are more likely to use complex vocabulary with them. Most of this gives girls a leg up in a world that increasingly prizes “soft skills”. Girls still have less leisure time than boys, but nowadays that is primarily because they spend more time on homework and grooming, rather than an unfair division of chores. And in the time left for themselves they have far more freedom.

    The one good thing about COVID-19 is that it’s good for nature and the environment and dolphins,” says Sarah, “but I wish it wouldn’t kill so many people in the process.”

    COVID-19 aware

    David Hume — Wikipedia

    He had little respect for the professors of his time, telling a friend in 1735 that “there is nothing to be learnt from a Professor, which is not to be met with in Books”. He did not graduate.

    Nor did I ever submit my PhD. As David Hubel once said, the great advantage of an MD degree was (then) being able to avoid having to gain a PhD credential.