Winnowing 30 March 2021

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  • 30/03/2021

    You have to let go of the ball sometime.

    To Hell with Unity | by Fintan O’Toole | The New York Review of Books

    We are at a historic juncture in which being a safe pair of hands does not mean playing it safe.

    Nye Bevan might have another explanation

    mainly macro: Why are the Conservatives so bad at running the economy?(Simon Wren-Lewis)

    Why do Conservative Chancellors keep making mistakes? I think it’s a combination of three things. The first is a lack of respect for academic economists and their received wisdom. The second is the search for popularity and election success. The third is ideology. Let’s go through this short history looking at all three.

    Because you are not worth it.

    29th March 2021. Fashion | Debt — Just Two Things

    The story is about the high environmental costs of much of the fashion industry, and why making second-hand purchases ‘trendy’ might be ‘useful’ strategically (my wife and her family have led the field for decades).

    Not that everyone is going down this road. Chanel, in contrast, has taken the resale platform The RealReal to court, claiming that its stores are the only places qualified to sell authentic Chanel. I’m not sure that’s a position that’s going to survive. [emphasis added]

    The same could be said about great lectures

    Helgoland by Carlo Rovelli — a brief lesson on quantum physics | Financial Times

    The greatest populariser of physics today, Carlo Rovelli, prepares readers of his new book for this familiar fate when he warns that if “what I have described seems perfectly clear, then it means I have not been clear enough about it.”

    Paul Graham

    The winds of change originate in the unconscious minds of domain experts.

    But we are increasingly less tolerant of domain expertise favouring, instead, dismal generic skills.