Why Is Medicine So Expensive?

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  • 14/03/2019

    Why Is Medicine So Expensive?

    Not often I spot typos in the New York Review of Books, but here is one that matters. The article dealt with the price of prescription drugs, and there are of course plenty of villains to go around: crony capitalists; advertising spending being larger than research spending —because it works!; and sloppy thinking with regard to IPR and patents. The article on paper read:

    In late October, however, just before the congressional elections, Azar declared to reporters that high prices constituted “the greatest possible barrier to patent access.” Democratic strategists gave prescription drug prices high priority in congressional campaigns. Yet leaders in both parties understood that curbing prices would be no easy task. The pharmaceutical industry, which has long deployed one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington, was increasing its representation in the capital.

    Yes, should have read patient not patent, although no doubt pharma might not have agreed.

    Why Is Medicine So Expensive? | by Daniel J. Kevles | The New York Review of Books

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