Henry Marsh is a retired neurosurgeon who has lived an interesting life and who writes with great insight about the NHS and medicine. The following are from an interview in the Guardian.
Marsh retired from the NHS at the age of 65, after growing disenchanted with bureaucratic managers and his reduced surgical schedule. “I just got more and more frustrated,” he says. “Which is very sad because I believe deeply in the NHS. I think straying away from a tax-funded system is a terrible mistake.”
The final straw was a meeting in which Marsh was threatened by a senior manager with disciplinary action for wearing a tie on ward rounds. “That was the end as far as I was concerned,” he says. “Being threatened with disciplinary action by a fellow doctor because I was wearing a tie! That was too much.” He is concerned about the long-term prospects for the health service. “There are a lot of unhappy doctors around,” he says.
Been there: done that. “By a fellow doctor” sticks.
A dog at the master’s gate predicts the ruin of the state.