Too old, too fat, too lazy and too rich

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  • 31/05/2019

    Quite a motto to live by, but David Hume saw things more clearly than the rest of us.

    Hume’s ironic wit and humour make him a biographer’s dream. After his History of England proved to be a tremendous critical and popular success, his publisher entreated him for another volume, only to receive the memorable rebuff:


    “I have four reasons for not writing: I am too old, too fat, too lazy and too rich.”


    When at a last dinner before Hume’s death in 1776, Smith complained of the cruelty of the world in taking him from them, Hume said: “No, no. Here am I, who have written on all sorts of subjects calculated to excite hostility, moral, political, and religious, and yet I have no enemies; except, indeed, all the Whigs, all the Tories, and all the Christians.” There are many other such stories.


    How Adam Smith would fix capitalism | Financial Times