The way Brenner sees the world

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  • 29/09/2020

    Alas, there will no more new ones of these, as arguably the greatest of modern biology’s experimentalists, Sydney Brenner, passed away last year. One of his earlier quotes — the source I cannot find at hand — was that it is important in science to be out of phase. You can be ahead of the curve of fashion or possibly, better still, be behind it. But stay out of phase. So, no apologies for being behind the curve on these ones which I have just come across.

    Sydney Brenner remarked in 2008, “We don’t have to look for a model organism anymore. Because we are the model organisms.”

    Sydney Brenner has said that systems biology is “low input, high throughput, no output” biology.

    Quoted in The science and medicine of human immunology | Science

    Image source and credits via WikiCommons