The Future of Work: Navigating the Whitewater

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  • 29/09/2015

    The Future of Work: Navigating the Whitewater

    “For my parents, I told the graduates at Arizona State’s commencement this year, the typical career trajectory was like a steamship’s—fire up the engines and full speed ahead. For my generation, the course was more like a sailboat’s—through skillful tacking, we got pretty close to where we thought we would. But today’s graduates need be more like whitewater kayakers, quickly analyzing and responding to an ever-changing flow, knowing and trusting themselves so they won’t panic.” John Seely Brown.

    Worth reading in full from the man who led Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center: he has form. UK medical graduates should read and ponder, and we need to encourage them to do so. [direct link to this aside]