That sort of Celtic lilt

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  • 03/10/2017

    It was 40 years ago when Carwyn James warned of the dangers of what he called crash-ball centres, players who were being encouraged to feel rather than think. “The boring, unthinking coach continually preaches about mistakes,” he once said. “The creative coach invites his players to make mistakes. This new midfield ‘crash-ball’ is a disaster – hunks of manhood with madness in their eyes, battering-ram bulldozers happy to be picked off on the gain-line by just-as-large hunks from the opposing side. For what? Just to do it all over again.”

    Which just shows that Welsh fly-halves (Carwyn James) can be as majestic with their words as their feet. But then if you look at his Wikipedia page, you see he was special in all sorts of ways.

    Quoted in the Guardian.