Predictive analytics in medicine: its all over now baby blue

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  • 19/10/2018

    Big Data and Predictive Analytics: Recalibrating Expectations | Clinical Decision Support | JAMA | JAMA Network

    Yet despite these innovations and those to come, quantitative risk prediction in medicine has been available for several decades, based on more classical statistical learning from more structured data sources. Despite reports that risk models outperform physicians in prognostic accuracy, application in actual clinical practice remains limited.

    It seems unlikely that incremental improvements in discriminative performance of the kind typically demonstrated in machine learning research will ultimately drive a major shift in clinical care. In this Viewpoint, we describe 4 major barriers to useful risk prediction that may not be easily overcome by new methods in machine learning and, in some instances, may be more difficult to overcome in the era of big data.

    The hype cycle marches on.