• 06/06/2019

    Moving on

    Now I’m the one contemplating a permanent departure. My health is fine, but my stamina is pretty much gone. Our health care system is not kind to the chronically ill and marginally insured, and it is not particularly kind to their doctors, either. Our patients are condemned to an unending swim against a hostile tide. Doctors can head for shore.

    Moving On | NEJM. |  Beautifully written piece by retiring US physician, Abigail Zuger, M.D.

    Last week I was talking to somebody who was not a doctor, but who had ‘gone off the grid’ and was commenting on how many ‘professionals’ were bailing out, often in their late 30s, looking for something their professional career was not giving them. As they say, fish do not know what water is, but when you head for land, things seem different.

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