Henry Marsh retires

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  • 13/02/2015

    Henry marsh …will retire from full-time surgery in April at the age of 65 years. “I was going to go on longer, but I had a hissy fit with the hospital management over the dress code recently, and told them that I was not prepared to go on”, he says


    This is from an interview with Henry Marsh in this week’s Lancet. His book, ‘Do No Harm‘ is, to my mind, the best written account of how medicine once worked, and how the commitment of dedicated staff to their patients (rather than ‘our NHS’) made the NHS what it once was. Sadly, no more. Essential reading for all medical students: the best career advice I can give. If people like him want to get out, we (as in patients) really are stuffed.  [direct link to this page]