No, not the site run by Audrey Watters, nor about providing eduction for hackers, but a site where you hire hackers to achieve some purpose that interests you. Jonathan Mayer writes:
In the sharing economy, you can hire a one-off driver (Uber), courier (Postmates), grocery shopper (Instacart), housekeeper (Homejoy), or just about any other variety of henchman (TaskRabbit). So, what about hiring a hacker? That’s the premise of Hacker’s List, a website launched in November. Anyone can post or bid on a hacking project. Hacker’s List arranges secure communication and payment escrow.
A majority of requests are for compromising Cloud service accounts, what is the second biggest group?
The second most common scenario (8%) arises from academia. There is, apparently, enormous demand for artificially improving grades — especially at the undergraduate level. Targets include the University of California, UConn, and the City College of New York.
Once, I think people thought fraud in HigherEd was something unusual, something that you need not worry too much about. Now, many of us believe it is everyday. What is most interesting, is what they says about how far certification and ability are diverging.