Gosh, Mr Raab: how terrible

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  • 24/04/2023

    Gosh, Mr Raab: how terrible

    Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite · Puny Rump: Sick Notes · LRB 13 April 2023

    In a debate on the Labour government’s plans for National Insurance in 1946, Beveridge said that it ‘did frankly send a chill to my heart to realise that it was contemplated that the only way in which most people would get their sickness benefit would be through the post.’ Working through friendly societies would guard against malingering, but it would also make the system more humane: ‘I am not going to say a word … to suggest that civil servants are not human … But while civil servants are perfectly human, the unfortunate fact is that anything as big as the civil service, merely because of its size, tends to become inhuman.’

    Gosh, Mr Raab.