Fornicating through the mattress of organisational flow diagrams

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  • 15/10/2020

    I think1 the words are mine:

    Every time I hear the term line-manager used about an academic, retirement gets a day closer

    But the great JK Galbraith (senior) had some words of his own on line-management (Galbraith, a famous Harvard Professor of Economics, was ambassador to India for JFK)

    Galbraith proved up to the task, in part, as Bruce Riedel writes in “JFK’s Forgotten Crisis”, because he had access to the president and his aides. Most ambassadors report to the State Department, but the blunt Galbraith told the president that going through those channels was “like trying to fornicate through a mattress”.


    1. I think they are mine, but apologies if I have nicked them …