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  • 19/12/2019

    No, not Pasi Salberg, but cognate.

    But idealists now have another international beacon of social mobility: long live the Finnish dream, in which a 34-year-old woman who once worked in a shop can become prime minister.

    “I am extremely proud of Finland. Here a poor family’s child can educate themselves and achieve their goals in life. A cashier can become even a prime minister,” tweeted Sanna Marin

    Meanwhile back in the UK as the FT rightly comments:

    ..egregious examples of rigging the game endure: on being rejected by the voters, Zac Goldsmith is to be elevated to the House of Lords, from where he will carry on as a minister in the government of Boris Johnson, also an Etonian from a high-profile family.

    Looking in envy at Finland’s social mobility pin-up PM | Financial Times