Degree, no job? Money back.

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  • 04/11/2015

    I feel a sense of guilt that some of our medical students spend money on additional tuition (beyond what they pay my employer). Some sign up for online courses, others pay for cramming sessions for finals. I do not know how effective some of these courses or resources are (different students give me different answers). It reminds me of paying for private schooling, then hiring tutors in the evenings. I am not sure my guilt is entirely rational: failing finals for instance is traumatic, and will result in a loss of income. It may be quite rational to reduce that risk,if you can afford it. And of course, I do not object or think it unreasonable that students buy books, so why complain about other resources such as online lectures. I am however interested in the money back guarantees on some sites and, out with medicine how some universities say they well reimburse half your fees if you are not in relevant employment (University of Law). Giving the issues about FY jobs for our medical students, the latter deserves some consideration.