Category: worth a glance

  • 06/02/2017
    If you want to explore the meme about tech destroying jobs (and value) there are some great quotes in a…
  • 16/11/2015
    “The digital revolution in higher education has already happened. No one noticed.” Clay Shirky. Stephen Downes comments ‘Like the elites, this article is…
  • 17/10/2015
    For-Profit Colleges Accused of Fraud Still Receive U.S. Funds. "Consider the Education Management Corporation, which runs 110 schools in the United…
  • 12/10/2015
    A well-to-do cancer patient is nearing the end of her treatments. During an office visit, she says to her doctor,…
  • 17/09/2015
    No money for ice for drinking water. I got this via my brother. When you have a health care system that…
  • 31/08/2015
    Innovation as Discipline, Not Fad. Former head of china’s genome powerhouse starts new chapter. I just find this sort of…
  • 25/08/2015
    Surgical trainees seem unhappy (with good reason). Financial burden of surgical training  and  Why a career in surgery is no longer the…
  • 14/08/2015
    Clinical research: Should patients pay to play? Social care chief savages failing system for elderly. And Care homes are getting worse,…
  • 29/07/2015
    I have been away, in Croatia. My former colleague (and troublemaker) Bruce Charlton remarked many years ago that many academics…
  • 28/06/2015
    What you need to know before you blow the whistle. You just need to read Private Eye to understand how…