Category: Philosophy

  • 13/01/2022
    Magical writing Monday 3 January, 2021 - by John Naughton - Memex 1.1 I came across this article by Zadie…
  • 13/01/2022
     Querdenker and epistemology Escaping Corona: A Community of German Anti-Vaxxers on the Black Sea Coast - DER SPIEGEL I wasn't…
  • 26/06/2021
    I give you the tea bag and Tractatus! A century ago Ludwig Wittgenstein changed philosophy for ever | The Economist…
  • 23/06/2021
    The philosopher Stuart Hampshire served in British military intelligence during the Second World War. When we were colleagues at Princeton…
  • 17/06/2021
    Keyboard warriors and the reverse Voltaire We are living through a time of online outrage and increasing irrationalism, and the…