Category: Online learning

  • 20/11/2020
    “I have been this close to buying a nursing school.” This is not a sentence you expect to hear from…
  • 10/06/2020
    Being an emeritus professor has lots of advantages. You have time to follow your thoughts and allow your reading to…
  • 03/07/2018
    Just saying.... Here are the figures for skincancer909 my online textbook of skin cancer for medical students. The site was rewritten…
  • 02/04/2018
    Universities are certainly putting their courses online. The question is “why?” I talked last week with a University President whom…
  • 28/08/2017
    No, still not finished but useable.
  • 11/07/2017
    This can be read as typical Silicon Valley hype, but I think it is more right than wrong. Just as…
  • 23/06/2017
    One of the important things I learned from reading Herb Simon’s ‘Models of my life’ was his view that seldom…
  • 13/12/2016
    I went to the OEB meeting for this first time this year. I was not certain how much I would…
  • 26/01/2016
    "Did you know that this is the 30th anniversary of the very first fully online course?” - Via Tony Bates.…
  • 22/12/2015
    I like these from Marc Rosenberg (via Stephen Downes) Great eLearning technology combined with bad content results in more efficiently delivered…