Category: NHS

  • 19/01/2024
    NHS The Notional Health Service. Heading in last week’s Economist (13/1/2024). Sad, but true.
  • 06/11/2023
    Robert Conquest’s third law of politics The simplest way to explain the behaviour of any bureaucratic organisation is to assume…
  • 05/08/2023
    Don’t aim to work in the NHS A little while back, Lisa and I were out for dinner at a…
  • 13/07/2023
    Doctors, medicine and the NHS 1966 Like many of my colleagues I no longer try to dissuade my juniors from…
  • 19/06/2023
    2001 as metaphor New Bayer chief plans a radically different style to cut bureaucracy | Financial Times Anderson wants managers…
  • 24/05/2023
    Look up, not down "in a mammoth bureaucracy obsessed with its own secrecy, the fault lines are best observed by…
  • 24/06/2021
    Resilience and sustainability Hack the Planet: Tega Brain on Leaks, Glitches, and Preposterous Futures This quote is actually from an…
  • 07/04/2021
    Wonderful piece by Janan Ganesh in the FT on the life choices made by young bankers and corporate lawyers, and…
  • 19/11/2020
    I have rich memories of general practice, and I mean general practice rather than primary care 1. My earliest memories…
  • 01/07/2020
    Peter Piot in the Guardian As with HIV, “an epidemic reveals the fault lines in society. The big one this…