Category: Miscellaneous

  • 28/11/2023
    All about catching thermals Small publishers are sweeping the Booker and Nobel prizes On this years’s Booker by Philip Lynch…
  • 10/11/2023
    On not being properly confused I like orderly confusion very much. But this is neither orderly nor properly confused Dieter…
  • 08/01/2023
    Miracle man Pelé went from poverty to football superstardom :TheEconomist As a forward he was not that tall, but he…
  • 01/01/2023
    TARA over TINA I hadn't come across the acronym TARA before, but it seems a hopeful thought for the New…
  • 14/12/2022
    Chartbook #178 Witnesses to the automobile revolution But that was the experience also of a working-class kid like my father.…
  • 11/12/2022
    Link Woolliness is the enemy of accuracy as well as utility. A word like “sustainability” is so fuzzy that it…
  • 10/08/2020
    I thought the above quote was going to be from an exchange between James Hunt and Niki Lauda. But no,…
  • 21/04/2020
    Reminds me of JBS Haldane’s comment that God must have been inordinately fond of beetles (because of the large number…
  • 03/03/2020
    Nice article in the LRB by Wang Xiuying, ‘The Word from Wuhan’. (Throwing woks: when everyone denies all responsibility and…
  • 28/01/2020
    Well, I doubt if any readers of these scribblings will be shocked. After all TIJABP. But this piece by the…