Category: Dermatology

  • 28/09/2023
    Conspicuous Destruction Conspicuous Destruction | Kim Phillips-Fein | The New York Review of Books Private equity has become such a…
  • 14/06/2021
    It is one of dermatology's tedious and fun facts that, in contradistinction to say scabies or head lice, you treat…
  • 24/05/2021
    There was an article in the FT last week, commenting on an article in JAMA here. The topic is the…
  • 30/07/2020
    More accurately, late night thoughts from 26 years ago. I have no written record of my Edinburgh inaugural, but my…
  • 25/07/2020
    Surplus collagen His younger co-workers, with their zippy metabolisms and surplus collagen, started referring to him as “the elder.” A…
  • 18/06/2020
    Story 1 I started my dermatological career in Vienna in the mid-1980s as a guest (I am deliberately not using…
  • 31/01/2020
    Today is my last day of (paid) work, and of course a day that will be infamous for many more…
  • 15/01/2020
    My earliest conscious memory of disease and doctors was in the management of my atopic dermatitis. Here is Sam Shuster…
  • 10/07/2019
    Software is eating.. Comparison of the accuracy of human readers versus machine-learning algorithms for pigmented skin lesion classification: an open,…
  • 09/07/2019
    Living in Scot itchland Genital scabies was, to the English, "Scotch itch," and Scotland was "Itch-land." The pox was the Spanish…