Category: Book Review

  • 28/08/2023
    On being old FT business books — what to read this month | Financial Times From a book review in…
  • 14/06/2021
    Gödel Journey to the Edge of Reason by Stephen Budiansky — ruthless logic | Financial Times Ever since I read…
  • 29/01/2021
    I am probably biased as my mother was Irish, one of a large O’Mahony clan who were born in or…
  • 12/10/2020
    After he had been dismissed from government, and implicated in the anti-Medici conspiracy, Machiavelli was imprisoned, tortured, before returning to…
  • 25/09/2020
    In my ignorance I had always assumed that the ‘Haldane’ of the Haldane Principle1 referred to the great and singular…