Category: blog post

  • 05/02/2025
    How odd Christian beliefs about sex shape the world From a book review in the Economist of Lower than the Angels:…
  • 25/02/2024
    Retired husband syndrome — Wet fallen leaves Japanese men have an identity crisis Not as unpleasant as that other material…
  • 07/11/2023
    Departure time 2023, arrival 1943 Timothy Garton Ash in the NYRB When I started writing my book Homelands: A Personal…
  • 05/08/2023
    Don’t aim to work in the NHS A little while back, Lisa and I were out for dinner at a…
  • 01/08/2023
    Shit life syndrome The Enlightened Economist | Economics and business books The over-burdened welfare state is not quite coping with…
  • 19/07/2023
    Rees’s law of education (After a John Hennessy quote that the time to assess a Stanford degree is ten years…
  • 10/07/2023
    G-g-generation Went to see The Who last night at Edinburgh castle. Great show, and the weather blessed us. First time…
  • 05/07/2023
    Plain silly Economist Daron Acemoglu: ‘When mistakes involve powerful technologies, you’re going to have trouble’ | Financial Times He imagines…
  • 19/06/2023
    Acute myeloid leukaemia - The Lancet Acute myeloid leukaemia accounts for over 80 000 deaths globally per annum, with this number…
  • 26/05/2023
    I am amused that people are slow to realise that large language models (ChatGPT etc) do not understand what they…