And you thought it was just the commies who spoke like this?

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  • 01/03/2022

    And you thought it was just the Russians who spoke like this?

    Augar response: ‘highest earners benefit’ in student loan revamp | Times Higher Education (THE)

    The DfE also said ministers would be announcing “almost £900 million of new investment in our fantastic HE system over the next three years”, including “£300 million of recurrent funding and a total of £450 million in capital funding over the next three years to support high quality teaching and new state of the art facilities, which we will ask the Office for Students (OfS) to distribute through the Strategic Priorities Grant (SPG).

    “This funding will be used to drive up provision that the nation needs, including science and engineering courses, courses to support the NHS, and shorter degree alternatives focused on developing the right skills for our dynamic economy. [emphases mine]
