Advice for graduating doctors…

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  • 03/07/2020

    I have forgotten who asked me to write the following. I think it was from a couple of years ago and was meant for graduating medics here in Edinburgh. (I am still sifting through the detritus of academic droppings)

    As Rudolf Virchow was reported to say: sometimes the young are more right than the old. So, beware. This is my — and not his — triad.

    First, when you do not know, ask for help. And sometimes ask for help when you do know (for how else would you check the circumference of your competence?).

    Second, much as though science and technology changes, the organisation of care will change faster. Think on this in any quiet moments you have, for it may be the biggest influence on your career — for good and bad (sadly).

    Third, look around you and do not be afraid to stray. The future is always on the periphery along a rocky path to nowhere in particular.