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  • 22/10/2019

    Terrific interview with Sydney Brenner about the second greatest scientific revolution of the 20th century.

    I think it’s really hard to communicate that because I lived through the entire period from its very beginning, and it took on different forms as matters progressed. So it was, of course, wonderful. That’s what I tell students. The way to succeed is to get born at the right time and in the right place. If you can do that then you are bound to succeed. You have to be receptive and have some talent as well…

    To have seen the development of a subject, which was looked upon with disdain by the establishment from the very start, actually become the basis of our whole approach to biology today. That is something that was worth living for.

    This goes for more than science and stretches out into far more mundane aspects of life. Is there any alternative?

    Kings Review